
Navigation for Masters (4th Edition)

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This publication enables Master Mariners to keep up to date with modern innovations affecting safe passage throughout the maritime environment. It covers all aspects of navigational practice including bridge procedures, ECDIS, navigation, passage planning, climate, search and research and helicopter operations.

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Product Details

Part Number: NAC0232

Edition: 2012

Printed and corrected to: No

ISBN: 9781856094030

Publisher: Witherbys

Language: English

Author: David J. House

Format: Hardback

New regulations, introducing Long Range Identification and Tracking of vessels have been introduced. The need for Ice reporting in the high latitudes and with greater detail, in the form of the ‘egg code’ has become a necessity. While shipbuilding of the larger and deeper draught vessels continues to be exercised, creating revision and expansion of deep water routes.

Electronics and digital advances have given the maritime industry ECDIS and GPS, now as dominant features. It is essential that our experienced Masters, meet the challenges associated with these major changes while at the same time not lose sight of the basic principles of effective watch keeping. The importance of training and lifelong learning is as much a part of the successful voyage as the fuel is to the engines.